I have had an aftercare visit with my neurosurgeon. Dr. Apfel and she was pleased with the last MRI. I was sans any new tumors and she had removed the 30 that I had. I am down to one anti/convuslant — Keppra – and i am still going to be blood thinners for a couple of more months then will do another test to see if DVT has completely dissolved. So now I have a regular neuro Dr. and she said that since I have had invasive brain surgery twice I am at risk for strokes and seziures. So i wantd to let everyone that follows the blog i am doing so much better than 3 months ago Now focus is having teeth fixed then next will be knees. With follow up MRI late Jan and follow up in Feb. I hope that it will be clear don’t want to zapped with laser but that is better than some opening your head. Not good to have them messing in you frontal lobes messes with your judgement feelings can hurt before you can stop it. Great news I can drive again


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