Been a great week ordered and received Bob Segar Hoodie and L/S T-shirt yeah ready for fall/ winter when I can get out and be free. Taking therapies to help with strength and cogintive ablity so I can drive again. However that is not the reason I am giving up some back story.

I was born in a small town in Southwest Virginia about an hour away from Roanoke Va. I had an audience for my birth — student nurses and I had a very loving grandparents on my maternal side of the family.

It was first but not last Military Funeral I was not with my uncle when he passed he sat down to tie his shoes and they said that he had a heart attack. When the military men did the 21 gun salute it just tore me up. when I was very young I lived with differnet brothers and my grandparents until I was about 6 years old. I lived with Benny and his wife Wanda in N.C. for a couple of years. I will have to tell those tales later some funny some scary. My older Tuffie was always with me and that helped a lot however the older we became the farther apart we became. He died of cancer in 1992 my father died in 2015 and my sister mary 2016. Then I had 3 cousins die between 2011 and 2020. I lost my mother in december 2020 Covid related double pnemonia but she had many other probems too. Going back to 2015 december my dad passed away and buried in the veterans cementary and then 2020 my mother passed and she was buried above him in same plot. My dad I loved him after I got over how misogynist he could be — another post I will tell you how hard it was to get his attention because I was in band and chorus and played panio for years. I am sure this was long and boring and I needed to get out. thank you for reading to the end.


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